Welcome to episode one hundred and sixty-seven of the Token Skeptic podcast!
“Chronically Skeptical” is an on-line resource specifically intended for those with chronic (and other) illnesses and disabilities who prefer their social support network free of the mystical, the magical, the misinformed, the unproven and the dangerously deluded. For this interview, I spoke to Tim McGregor.
Also mentioned in the show – chrishofstader.com – thanks so much for your support, Chris!
To join the forums, head to http://www.chronicallyskeptical.org.
Theme songs are “P&P” by Derek K. Miller of www.penmachine.com and “Leap Second” by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com.
Please leave positive comments and reviews on iTunes and consider supporting the show via visiting Tokenskeptic.org – and I’d love to get your feedback via tokenskeptic@gmail.com.