Welcome to another episode of Token Skeptic – with Kyle Sanders from Carbon Dating and Dr Mark Crislip with the new The Society for Science-Based Medicine!
Kyle Sanders began writing comics at the University of Science And Fine Arts for a student-run lampoon site, then spun-off to create the college webcomic. Following pilot training and a move to Little Rock, Kyle found himself looking for a way to find intelligent conversation and founded Little Rock’s first Skeptics In The Pub.
After a year of co-hosting Skeptics and a string of embarrassing romantic encounters, a collection of punchlines had been forming that desperately needed an outlet. A deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan provided the boredom necessary to turn these punchlines and stories into the epic combination of science, characters driven comedy, and the awkwardness of dating. That’s where the story of Carbon Dating begins. Check out his awesome work at http://carbon-comic.com.
The Society for Science-Based Medicine is a society for a community of like-minded individuals, both in and out of health care, who support the goals of Science-Based Medicine.
The mission of the Society for Science-Based Medicine includes, but is not limited to,
- Educating consumers, professionals, business people, legislators, law enforcement personnel, organizations and agencies about Science-Based Medicine.
- Providing resources and information concerning all aspects of Science-Based Medicine.
- Providing a central resource for communication between individuals and organizations concerned about Science-Based Medicine.
- Supporting sound consumer health laws for the practice of Science-Base Medicine and opposing legislation that undermines Science-Based Medicine.
- Encouraging and aiding legal actions in support of the practice of Science-Based Medicine.
For this interview, I talk to Dr Mark Crislip, M.D – who has been a practicing Infectious Disease specialist in Portland, Oregon, since 1990. He is responsible for the Quackcast, a skeptical review of supplements and complementary and alternative medicine (SCAM); The Persiflagers Annotated Compendium of Infectious Disease Facts, Dogma and Opinion, a guide to infectious diseases; the Persiflagers Infectious Disease Puscast, a podcast review of infectious diseases, and Rubor, Dolor, Calor, Tumor, an Infectious Disease blog.
Theme songs are P&P by Derek K. Miller of www.penmachine.com and Leap Second by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com. Additional music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com).
Please leave positive comments and reviews on iTunes and consider supporting the show via visiting Tokenskeptic.org – and I’d love to get your feedback via tokenskeptic@gmail.com.
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[…] miss this week’s Token Skeptic episode with yours truly, I have no idea how it sounds, I had to get up super early for my […]