Podcast Episode

Episode One Hundred And Ninety Three – On The Unholy Trinity Downunder

The Atheist Foundation of Australia is bringing The Unholy Trinity to Australia. The Unholy Trinity Downunder Tour brings together three atheist activists for an amazing event.

Matt Dillahunty, AronRa, and Seth Andrews take the stage to share stories, interact with a live audience (and with each other), and address some of the challenges and opportunities in the fight against non-reason.

Matt, AronRa, and Seth were once believers in God, the spiritual, and the supernatural. Today they are atheist activists who are known worldwide.

  • Matt Dillahunty is host of The Atheist Experience television show and served as President of the Atheist Community of Austin from 2006-2013. Matt co-founded the counter-apologetics website, www.ironchariots.org and is a frequent public speaker and debater.
  • AronRa is an atheist vlogger and activist. His videos focus on biology (with an emphasis on countering creationist claims), and advocating rationalism in science education. He is currently a co-host on the podcastDogma Debate and serves as the Texas State Director of American Atheists.
  • Seth Andrews is a professional video producer and former Christian broadcaster. In 2009, he founded the website, www.thethinkingatheist.com, a community which encourages viewers to reject faith and embrace critical thought. His videos Afterlife, The Story of Suzie, and many others have been seen worldwide, and his weekly radio podcast is downloaded 2 million times a month.

In this tongue-in-cheek-titled tour, Matt, AronRa, and Seth come together to share their stories, field your questions, have some fun, and encourage all within earshot to pursue and embrace a personal relationship with reality.

The tour will take place from the 12th to the 21st March 2015, and will include major events in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. More information at www.atheistfoundation.org.au/unholytrinity

Theme songs are P&P by Derek K. Miller of www.penmachine.com and Leap Second by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com

Please leave positive comments and reviews on iTunes and consider supporting the show via visiting Tokenskeptic.org – and I’d love to get your feedback via tokenskeptic@gmail.com.

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