Just a quick update about ‘What’s going on?’
Thanks to dodgy internet access and being far too busy just before my travels, I’ve yet to sort out the little hiatus in the Token Skeptic show with episode #77 (do note – the interview with Sara Mayhew and Jack Scanlan, Episode #76, is corrected and out!)… but I do have the slides from the talk I gave at the recent New Zealand Skeptics convention, held in Christchurch!
You can download the slides I used here for one of the talks: Token Skeptic Podcasting At NZ Skeptics Convention 2011 (pdf). The photo is taken by Gold, the Chair-Entity of the New Zealand Skeptics, just as I was talking about the podcast.
Thanks to everyone who made it such a huge success and such a wonderful opportunity. Special big thanks to Gold, Vicki Hyde, Michael Edmonds, the rest of the NZ Skeptics committee, the CUSP podcast – and Dr Martin Bridgstock for being a brilliant co-presenter (as always!).
Next? What’s happening at Dragon*Con? If you are either attending that convention or want to check out the LIVE STREAM of the SkepTrack at Dragon*Con shows – here are the details of which shows I’m doing (or attending):
**Friday 5:30pm – Scooby Doo and the Decline of Skepticism – Dunwoody [HYT]**
**Friday 7:00 pm – The Surprising Science of Self Esteem – Barbara A. Drescher [Science]**
**Friday 10:00pm – Scott Sigler (Podcasting)**
** Saturday 11:30am – These are the ways the world will end… Phil Plait, John Cmar, Dr. Pamela Gay, Taylor Proctor, Scott Sigler, David Daigle, Dr. Ali Khan.**
Saturday 1:00pm – Educating/Debunking What’s the Difference? D.J. Grothe, Barbara A. Drescher, Kylie Sturgess, Chip Denmen, Matt Lowry, Brian Hart. [Skeptrack]
** Saturday 4pm – Parsec Awards 2011 – Regency V (I’ll be catching this one, or…) ***
** Saturday 4pm – On The Ledge – Derek Colanduno, D.J. Grothe, Eugenie C Scott, Barbara A. Drescher, Margaret Downey ***
Saturday 5:30pm – The Truth About Conspiracy Theories. Robert Blaskiewicz, Benjamin Radford, Tom Lolis, Kylie Sturgess. [Skeptrack]
Saturday 7:00pm – Skeptical Activism 201 – The Skeptics Strike Back. Desiree Schell, Benjamin Radford, Kylie Sturgess, Maria Walters.
**Sunday 1pm – Creating a Web Series with Felicia Day – Capitol Ballroom (I’ll be catching this one) **
**Sunday 5.30pm – Skeptically Speaking – Live! Desiree Schell (I’ll be catching this one) **
Sunday 7:00pm 207/206/205 – Very Superstitious…. Kylie Sturgess, Barbara A. Drescher, Steven King, Robert Blaskiewicz, Steve Novella. [Skeptrack]
Monday 11:30am – Token Skeptic: LIVE! Kylie Sturgess, Barbara Drescher, Steve Novella, Derek Colanduno. [Skeptrack]
And if you’re not watching me – PLEASE SEE:
**Monday 11:30am – Junior Science Podcasting – Aaron Meraz, Cloe Cain, Fraser Cain, Mike Meraz**
Thanks again to everyone and looking forward to Dragon*Con in Atlanta!