AtheistAus Podcast – Now A New Show On SoundCloud and iTunes
For those who haven’t been following the fairly-new journey of the AtheistAus Podcast – the official podcast of the Atheist Foundation of Australia – it now has a new and proper home on SoundCloud and its own iTunes feed.
The additional details and downloads can also be found on the official listing of the show at the Atheist Foundation of Australia’s site. There’s an RSS feed there too.
Previously episodes were hosted within the Token Skeptic podcast (where they will soon be removed) – now all the episodes, from Pilot to newly-released Episode Four, are on SoundCloud.
Now out – Episode Four: the featured interview is with Michael De Dora, about the situation facing Taslima Nasrin and the effort to support and sustain freethinkers through an emergency fund.
The decision was made by CFI that any money raised in excess of what is necessary for Dr. Nasrin will go toward a general freethought emergency fund to assist with the rescue of other atheist, humanist, and secular activists under threat.
The show has been submitted to iTunes, Stitcher and other platforms, so expect a link to these very soon too – and do send in your reviews, pass on the word and lend your support to the show!