Urban Legendary 14
The Fourteenth Urban Legendary Show!
Remember, if you’d like to support the show (and get behind-the-scenes content and rewards – check out the Patreon site at patreon.com/kyliesturgess. For as little as $1, you can help with the hosting and producing of the show – as well as my immense gratitude for your support.
What follows are interviews, conducted by Kylie Sturgess, which have featured on RTRM.
The winners of the 2015 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards are a celebration of the contribution of Australian literature to the nation’s cultural and intellectual life as well as recognising the importance of literature to our national identity, community and economy
I spoke to both winners of the Fiction and Young Adult Fiction categories: for the adult fiction category, the winner was local writer Joan London, with her third novel, The Golden Age. It’s the story about the love between Frank and Elsa, two polio-stricken children at a rehabilitation facility in suburban Perth in the early 1950s. The story draws on research from on a real polio hospital from that time, the Golden Age Convalescent Hospital.
The winner of the Young Adult Fiction category was The Protected by Claire Zorn, a novel about Hannah, who is dealing with a seriously depressed mum, an injured dad and a dead sister – and a world that has drastically changed after the accident that affected them all.
The State’s top honours were awarded to four of WA’s most hard working people of the year – and Anne Carey took out 2016’s West Australian of the Year for her work treating Ebola in Sierra Leone.
I spoke to Anne about her work, the experience of treating one of the world’s most fearsome diseases and the award on RTRFM’s The Mag.
If you own a smartphone you could be helping cancer researchers search for a cure while you sleep.
Dreamlab is a new app turning fully charged smartphones into computers of genetic information – in the hopes the extra help could speed up the search for cancer causing genes.
The Garvan Institute launched the app for Medical Research and Vodafone Australia – and I spoke to Dr Samantha Oakes about what it could mean for the future of medical research.
This episode is brought to you with thanks to Patreon supporters – they include: Finch, Steven, Josh, Linley, Gold, Brian, Iggy, Lukas, Dr T, Gerry, Andrew and Andrew. Thanks to everyone who contributes and please consider joining to help continue these shows at patreon.com/kyliesturgess.
Thanks to the radio stations RTRFM who have supplied these recordings, especially Peter Barr. Hear more great audio at www.rtrfm.com.au.
Check out the Patreon page at http://www.patreon.com/kyliesturgess to find out more. Follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/kyliesturgess and check out previous shows at www.tokenskeptic.org.
Music “Pushed Away” by Mitchell Gannon: https://soundcloud.com/mitchell-gannon
Ice Core Scientist: http://www.youtube.com/user/icecorescientist
Additional ambient music from Jukedeck – create your own at jukedeck.com
Additional Voiceover by Pamela Quevillon: http://speakeasynarration.com