Episode One Hundred And Eighty Six – AFFBR Talk At MONA By Raphael Lataster
On the 26th and 27th of July, the Atheist Foundation of Australia were represented at the inaugural Australian Fair for Freedom of Belief and Religion (AFFBR).
Held at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Hobart, Tasmania, the aim was to bring together a diverse range of groups, communities and organisations to present a spectrum of beliefs and religions in contemporary society.
Along with a number of groups, the AFA ran an information stall, and engaged in discussion with attendees. As a part of a series of lectures, Raphael Lataster represented the AFA on stage, with a talk entitled “Atheists – What, Why, Who Cares?”.
Raphael is the author of “There Was No Jesus, There Is No God”, a scholarly examination of the scientific, historical, and philosophical evidence and arguments for monotheism. He is a professionally secular PhD researcher and teacher at the University of Sydney (Studies in Religion). It is with great thanks to the AFA that Raphael and others were able to attend and present at the AFFBR.
Theme songs are P&P by Derek K. Miller of www.penmachine.com and Leap Second by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com.
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