Welcome to Episode One Hundred And Eighty Five!
It’s important that kids not just hear that science is important – they should also practice their observation skills and enjoy getting their hands dirty with activities. Science is something that they should feel they are involved with, even if they might still be trying to understand it. So, how can parents help?
Alom Shaha is a science communicator in London, who has been working with the Royal Institution to create ExpeRimental, a series of short films on YouTube that show parents doing science-based activities with their children.
Their approach focuses more on doing the activity, rather than just recreating a particular phenomenon and explaining it. I talked to Alom Shaha to learn even more about ExpeRimental.
Wikipedia is the first source that many of us will reach to in order to find some quick facts and biographical detail. But what happens if your Wikipedia page is half-finished, inaccurate or not even there?
The Australian Academy of Science is doing something for the women of science who have been overlooked or under represented in Australia.
With The Women of Science Wikibomb, you can either attend an editing session held on August 14th at Canberra’s Shine Dome – or simply take part online. There’s a week to go to sign on.
Kylie Walker is the Director, Communications and Outreach for the Australian Academy of Science and she spoke to me about what inspired the Women of Science Wikibomb. Follow through Twitter on @Science_Academy or with the hashtag #ozwomensci
Theme songs are P&P by Derek K. Miller of www.penmachine.com and Leap Second by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com.
Please leave positive comments and reviews on iTunes and consider supporting the show via visiting Tokenskeptic.org – and I’d love to get your feedback via tokenskeptic@gmail.com.