Episode One Hundred and Seventy Four (featuring a chat with Kyle Sanders from Carbon Dating and Dr Mark Crislip about the new The Society for Science-Based Medicine!) is out tomorrow…
…But first, here’s the first Patreon supported podcast out from Urban Legendary!
The show will be on iTunes very soon, at https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/urban-legendary-radio-show/id794505693.
In order to get the additional features from the show (more interviews! videos! behind-the-scenes stuff!), just sponsor at Patreon.com.
The First Urban Legendary Show!
- Interview with Dr Barbara Wueringer – petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/the-australian-senate-prevent-proactive-killing-of-white-sharks-in-australia-2
- 100 Scientists Protest Culling: http://www.southernfriedscience.com/?p=16247 and http://supportoursharks.com/
- Rally at Cottesloe Beach: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/thousands-attend-rally-against-wa-plan-to-bait-and-kill-sharks/story-fnhocxo3-1226794896171
- Interview with Dr Karen Stollznow – www.karenstollznow.com
- Interview with Dr Simon Singh – www.simonsingh.com
Dr Singh will be appearing at Embiggen Books on the 20th January: http://www.embiggenbooks.com/blogs/embiggen-books/11392481-simon-singh-20th-jan-at-embiggen-books
Thanks to all the Patreon supporters!!
Music “Pushed Away” by Mitchell Gannon: https://soundcloud.com/mitchell-gannon; Ice Core Scientist: http://www.youtube.com/user/icecorescientist
Additional Voiceover by Pamela Quevillon: http://speakeasynarration.com/