Welcome to episode #150 – it’s Christmas Day and the fourth birthday of the Token Skeptic podcast!
Here’s a present for you all, but it’s particularly meant for Gerry U., Richard C., Sebastian B., Howard L., the Hoaxilla podcast, all of the donors from Flattr and all the long-term listeners and supporters – that means you! I really appreciate the feedback and endorsement – and sincerely hope you have a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.
I’ll be back in 2013 with the 365 Days of Philosophy site, and even more Token Skeptic episodes, so feel free to keep telling me what you think and how well the show is going!
This episode features a topic that has always fascinates me: martial arts and just how skeptical we should be about its benefits and practices. There’s a great podcast with a fantastically catchy name – Hiyaa!! – which features hosts Craig Kiessling and Dave Jones. They’ve both been active in the martial arts world for quite some time – being students as well as teachers of a number of different forms. Their podcast is entertaining and informative – as you might expect from folks in Atlanta, Georgia!
For this episode, I’m talking to Dave Jones from Hiyaa!! – he has a lot to share on the misconceptions that many have about martial arts and how to sort out some of the fiction from the facts.
Among the many things we discuss include the Yellow Bamboo martial artists, whose proponents make extravagant but testable claims about using chi to ward off and disable attackers. Here’s a video demonstrating a rather famous (and unfortunately rather hysterical) debunking, filmed in my home town:
You can check out all the episodes of the Hiyaa!! podcast at http://www.hiyaapodcast.com.
Theme songs are “P&P” by Derek K. Miller of www.penmachine.com and “Leap Second” by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com.
Please leave positive comments and reviews on iTunes and consider supporting the show via visiting Tokenskeptic.org – and I’d love to get your feedback via tokenskeptic@gmail.com.