This is a special additional episode with many thank-yous and lots of what’s-coming-up!
This week’s show (after all the thank-yous!) features an interview with Hayley Stevens – on the use of Twitter in skepticism and a funny story about civility online.
“A Conversation About Sasquatch” –
“‘Wow! Signal’ From Earth: Tweets Set For Deep Space This Week” –
Hayley Steven’s site can be found at
Firstly, thanks to donors to the podcast – such as Andrew Kirkhope, Richard Cornford, Robert Williams, Tunya Kimmel, David Bell, Adrienne Roehrich, Mary-Anne Wright, Peter Quin-Conroy and Craig Crisco, who has been a long-term donor to the show. Very sorry if I’ve missed a name there – but tremendous thank yous to you as well! Your help has enabled me to purchase equipment for the show, such as my mixer and microphone, and I’m planning on fixing my field recorder, the Zoom H4, in order to record more audio at future events. If there’s any interviews that you’d like me to get for you or particular topics to focus on – please let me know!
In other news, I’m going to be focusing on interviews for a conference I’m really excited about – it’s called Science Rewired and I’m preparing solidly for that over the next month or so, which means interviews I’ll be conducting with the presenters will be promoted here too! The conference is on the 11th October, in Adelaide, at the Science Exchange and includes Dr Paul Willis and Cosmos Magazine’s Wilson DaSilva and many others. The website is and if you’re quick, you can get earlybird tickets. I’ll be both presenting and working at that convention, so if there’s listeners in Adelaide or people who can get there who’d like to catch up – please let me know!
For the past four years I’ve worked and presented at Dragon*Con but this year I’ve chosen to focus on my new job as a Philosophy tutor – but don’t let that stop you from supporting the SkepTrack! I’ve been featuring YouTube videos from those previous years on my Token Skeptic blog over on Freethought blogs, and you can donate to Abrupt Media, who both record and live-stream all the action. Head to and you can not only see past panels but a donation button that will help them keep their excellent content running for everyone.
Finally – check out the latest Skeptical Briefs and the Skeptical Inquirer magazine: I’m in it, not once, but twice! The interview with Marian Call (episode #85 ) and a review of the World Skeptics Congress feature in the Skeptical Inquirer, and my interview with Slau on audio myths appears in Skeptical Briefs. Tremendous thanks to CSICOP for including my articles, especially Ben Radford, Kendrick Frazier and Barry Karr.
The Token Skeptic book, The Scope of Skepticism: Interviews, Essays and Observations From The Token Skeptic Podcast is out now!
Theme songs are “P&P” by Derek K. Miller of and “Leap Second” by Milton Mermikides, of show is available on Zune, mp3 via Libsyn or iTunes. Please considering supporting the show via visiting– and I’d love to get your feedback at