I’ve passed the ‘one year’ mark! Many thanks to everyone who continues to listen to the show and as always, feel free to send in ideas and feedback. 🙂 The next episode I do may very well feature on the Young Australian Skeptics podcast, called the Pseudo Scientists, so if you are expecting something next Monday, I suggest checking out their show instead?
Otherwise, I’ll be in England over the weekend and it might very well be a short delay until episode fifty-four. I’ll see what I can do in the meantime, and there’ll be an update on the www.tokenskeptic.org site as to what’s going on.
If you would like to read blog entries and accounts done live during the QED convention, my site at podblack.com is where I do the majority of my blogging. Oh – check out the paper The structure of superstitious action – A further analysis of fresh evidence which is mentioned over there , if you’re interested in some of the work I’ve done on superstitions!
This is a short interview that deals with something that occurred to me when I attended a workshop on paranormal investigations at Dragon*Con last year, which was run by Benjamin Radford.
If you don’t know who he is, then you should be listening to the Monster Talk podcast and reading his books like ‘Hoaxes, Myths, and Manias: Why We Need Critical Thinking (with sociologist Robert E. Bartholomew); Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers Mislead Us, and Lake Monster Mysteries: Investigating the World’s Most Elusive Creatures (with Joe Nickell).
If that isn’t enough for you, you can also watch him appear on documentaries and TV shows like the new Oprah Network show “Miracle Detectives“, and various online articles in places like Discovery News, the Center for Inquiry website and SheThought.com – and (most importantly!) subscribing to the Skeptical Inquiry magazine, of which he is the managing editor. He even has a board-game out, he’s that multi-talented. By the way – Julie Burchill says he’s ‘brilliant’ – and that’s enough reason in my mind to find an opportunity to say likewise by interviewing him on emotional attachments to monsters.
His new book – out later this year – is called Tracking The Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast In Fact, Fiction, And Folklore. His official site is at http://www.radfordbooks.com/