Two new features that you might have overlooked on the left-hand side-bar of the site:

Token Skeptic Official Forum Board

This is with big thanks to the Australasian Skeptics Forum board, who kindly allow me to post links to the episodes and allow for feedback from listeners. Feel free to check it out and interact with the Australasian Skeptics, who are growing in number every day.

You may also notice the feature to allow donations / subscriptions to the show – every bit helps with the maintaining of the site and the continuation of recordings.

I hope to be doing more projects in the future that will benefit listeners, such as providing transcripts, many of which you can find on my ‘Curiouser and Curiouser‘ column over at the website for the The Committe for Skeptical Inquiry (CSICOP) and some forthcoming merchandise.

If the show pleases you, please feel free to help it continue and I’ll continue to work on improving quality, content and resources with your feedback. Thanks again to everyone who has written in, it’s greatly appreciated!

One-Off Donation

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Episodes 5 And 9 - Sports Superstitions And On Skepticism And Communication

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Token Skeptic - Scheduled For Mondays (And I Get Fan-Photos!)