Direct link to the Mp3 here!

Welcome to a catch-up episode of the Token Skeptic! Many apologies for the delays on the last episode and many thanks to Michael Marshall and all the people of QEDCon for their patience!

This episode was recorded at Dragon*Con and it is thanks again to Derek and Swoopy of SkepTrack and Skepticality podcast.

Naturally Skeptical? The Psychology Behind Being A Skeptic. It’s a round-table discussion on the factors that do (and don’t!) contribute to becoming a questioner of the paranormal and pseudoscientific. The panel featured Prof. Barbara Drescher, Matt Lowry, Jamy Ian Swiss, Dr Scott Lilienfeld, myself Kylie Sturgess and was moderated by DJ Grothe.

Don’t forget that TAM Australia starts this weekend, and I’ll be there. Check out the schedule at and most importantly, visit the Embiggen Books display that will be featured. Warren of Embiggen books has recently moved location to Brisbane, and by supporting his store and buying online, you can help keep his rationalist bookstore going. He is also premiering not only Dr Karl Kruszelnicki’s latest book, called Curious and Curiouser, but the Australian Book of Atheism!

Enjoy this episode and if you’re at the Amazing Meeting Australia, say hello to me at the Friday night at Maloney’s hotel and on the stage with the Skeptic Zone podcast!

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Episode Forty - On The QED Conference - Interview With Michael Marshall

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Episode Forty-Two - On Breakfast And Blogging - Interviews At TAMOz Fringe