An exclusive interview with four members of the Stop the Australian Vaccination Network (Stop the AVN on Facebook) on the day of the protest at the Woodford Folk Festival – Jason Brown, Dave The Happy Singer, Daniel Raffaele and Robin Hilliard.
Operation Nutcracker Media Release.
While unhappy that Ms Dorey will still be speaking at Woodford, the Stop the AVN Facebook group, a loose-knit consortium of concerned citizens, scientists, doctors and nurses, decided to use a little humour in order to have ‘the last word’.
The group has hired an aircraft to fly over the Woodford Folk Festival site during the two hours surrounding Ms Dorey’s appearance.
Between 1.45 and 3.45pm on Thursday, 29 December, the plane will tow a banner with the message: VACCINATION SAVES LIVES.
Volunteers will be on the ground to hand out flyers after Ms Dorey’s appearance in the Blue Lotus tent at 2.15pm. The flyer addresses some of the myths about vaccination and counters them with facts.
Mentioned during the show:
Article in MamaMia on Woodford Folk Festival Protest
The HCC ruling against the AVN – Wings Over Woodford
Thanks to Skeptimite for the on-the-scene at Woodford photos.