Mp3 Download Here – or via Token Skeptic iTunes.

This episode would not be possible if it were not for the opportunity given to me by Christ Church Grammar School – particularly the Centre for Ethics and Reverend Canon Frank Sheehan and Teresa Scott – and St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls.

This is an interview conducted on August 2nd, 2010 at Christ Church Grammar School, of Ayaan Hirsi Ali by Reverend Cannon Frank Sheehan.

Somali-born writer, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, sees her journey from tribal community to membership of modern democratic society in terms of enlightenment.

After spending time as a parliamentarian in the Netherlands, Ayaan moved to a conservative Washington think tank. As both an activist and an academic, she writes and speaks about the problematic relationship between some forms of Islam and freedom of thought and expression as it has come to be accepted and treasured in the West. This has naturally led to hurt and bewilderment on both sides of the discussion.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali continues to pay a high price for her readiness to embrace liberty of thought as is evidenced by her need for protection. She gained enormous fame for her book Infidel (2007) and her most recent work Nomad. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and has been named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people.

This show is available on Zune, mp3 via Libsyn or iTunes. Visit – I’d love to hear your feedback at Theme songs are ‘P&P’ by Derek K Miller at and ‘365’ by Milton Mermikides, at

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  1. Grendel
    August 4, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    Kylie you are an absolute gem! thanks both for arranging for us to get the word that it was on and recording it.

  2. robert wilson
    August 5, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    If only our politicians could be as frank as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, instead we get gutless followers of fashion.
    The only question remains is how can I vote for Ayaan Hirsi Ali to be president of the world!

  3. August 17, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    Brilliant talk, thank you for this episode Kylie; kicking myself we missed out on tickets in Melbourne. Did you get a chance to ask any of those questions you asked of twitter?

  4. August 17, 2010 at 8:32 pm

    Unfortunately, no! :/ But I was very grateful to both schools for allowing me to record it, I hope to see if I can get some spare time and transcribe some of it. 🙂

  5. NathanC
    September 28, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    I tried listening to it in my car, with headphones and in a quiet room, but unfortunately, I think I was only able to make out about half of it. This is not a criticism because I understand how difficult it is to record this sort of thing, so I would be very grateful if you do get time to transcribe it.
    The parts I could make out were very entertaining and thought-provoking. I have to say I was very impressed with the Reverend Canon Frank Sheehan’s liberal attitude towards the way the topic was presented by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I was equally impressed by Ali’s frankness and openness.

  6. September 28, 2010 at 12:56 pm

    Yes, I’m still looking into doing a ‘re-release’, tidying up the quality further – on the night, I had two machines running and it was just as well, as one failed to work. I’ll see what I can do! 🙂