The one-hundredth episode.

Contained within this show are segments from a talk I did for the New Zealand Skeptics, called “Token Skepticism – Adventures in Skeptical Podcasting“, recorded at the New Zealand Skeptics Convention in August, 2011. It also contains clips from the second “half” of the last one-hundred episodes.

Song segments used within this show are all by Marian Call:

Good Morning Moon; Dear Mr Darcy; The Avocado Song; Ina Flew The Coop; The Underground (One Bird At A Time); Early Is As Early Does; Temporal Dominoes; Coffee by Numbers (Faon’s Song). All of these are available on the album Something Fierce.

Thank you to all of the listeners and I mean that: I’m one of the least-known and least-talked-about skeptical podcasters out there and you do make a difference. Future suggestions as to content always welcome, just drop me a line.

Special thanks to Gold of the New Zealand Skeptics and all of the NZ Skeptics; everyone who has graciously granted their time to be interviewed or allowed audio to be used on the show.

The Token Skeptic Blog – now on FreeThought Blogs at

This show is available on Zune, mp3 via Libsyn or iTunes. Visit – and I’d love to get your feedback at Theme songs are “P&P” by Derek K Miller of and “Leap Second” by Milton Mermikides, of

Please considering supporting the show via visiting Tokenskeptic.


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Episode Ninety-Nine - On Token Skeptic Live: Dr Steve Novella, Barbara Drescher And Derek Colanduno

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Episode One Hundred And One - On SurfCoast SkeptiCamp - Interview With Mick Vagg