If you’re interested in earlier episodes about women in skepticism? Try Episode Eighty-Eight – On Codes Of Conduct Part II – Sexism, Skepticism And Civility Online.
As the number of people who choose to become involved with skeptical outreach and pro-science initiatives increases, so do the ways they choose to contribute – and these can greatly vary. Traditional print media, blogging, editing Wikipedia, producing national radio shows and popular podcasts all play a part – and for this episode of the Token Skeptic, these people all just happen to be women.
If it’s true that role models and mentorship is a vital part of encouraging women to participate, then let’s look at some examples that exist out there on the internet.
Julia Lavarnway is the managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer and the “News and Views” columnist for Free Inquiry‘s quarterly newsletter, Secular Humanist Bulletin. She started We Are SkeptiXX out of her frustration and dismay over the lack of support for and recognition of women in many organizations in the formal skeptics movement.
Susan Gerbic is a professional portrait photographer living in Salinas, California, an attendee of a number of skeptical conferences world wide, who presented at TAM9 in 2011. She’s an editor of Wikipedia, updating articles with a skeptical theme, and adds pictures from her vast collection of photos. Her website, which guides and mentors fellow skeptics into contributing to Wikipedia, can be found at Guerilla Skepticism on Wikipedia.
Desiree Schell is the host of the live Canadian call-in radio talk show and podcast Skeptically Speaking. Desiree explores the connections between science and skepticism, and strategies for promoting critical thinking beyond the ranks of current skeptics. In her work as a labour organizer, Desiree creates curricula and teaches courses on effective activism. Skeptically Speaking records interviews live every Sunday night at 6 pm MST and is rebroadcast by several radio stations in Canada and the United States. The show is also available as an MP3 download on the website and iTunes. She has presented at a number of conferences, including Dragon*Con and Amazing Meetings.
The Token Skeptic Blog – now on FreeThought Blogs at http://freethoughtblogs.com/tokenskeptic.
This show is available on Zune, mp3 via Libsyn or iTunes. Visit www.tokenskeptic.org – and I’d love to get your feedback at tokenskeptic@gmail.com. Theme songs are “P&P” by Derek K Miller of www.penmachine.com and “Leap Second” by Milton Mermikides, of www.miltonmermikides.com.
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