Since I’m never one to be down for long (especially when there’s seasonal food, family to be with and a new year to look forward to), here’s something to add to the short-list of recipes that I feature on this site and something for you to try! There’s a pair of other seasonal recipes featured here too.

This particular pie isn’t standard in Australia, but it seems to be a fave in the USA. I’ve added a slight spin with the base, since I’m fond of the Arnott’s Mint Slice.

The Base:

350g choc-mint biscuits – I used these ones, but notice that you’ll have to use the ‘value pack’ to get enough, or two ‘regular’ sizes

50g butter

The Filling:

150g marshmallows (doesn’t matter as to the size or colours of them, you might even like to use the ones with coconut topping)

125ml milk

2 drops of peppermint essence

2 drops of green food dye (optional)

375ml double cream

(additional if wished – 4 drops creme de menthe – I don’t add this)

Using a 25cm fluted tart tin for the whole creation, blend the biscuits in a food processor and add the butter once they’re essentially crumbly. Blend again until the mixture begins to clump together. You’ll find due to the filling of the chocolate biscuits that it gets pretty cohesive very quickly.

Butter/flour the tart tin to avoid sticking and line the base with the mixture, using the back of a spoon to keep it smooth. Place in the fridge to chill and harden.

Melt the marshmallows in a saucepan with the milk over a gentle heat (careful with this!) and once the milk foams (not boils), take off the heat and mix until smooth. Put into a heatproof bowl and at this point, add the peppermint essence, food dye and creme de menthe if you wish. Leave to cool.

During this time, whisk the cream until it peaks and add the marshmellow mix. Pour into the pie crust and smooth with a spatula, place entire pie in the fridge, covered, to chill overnight / 4 hours until firm.

I do a topping of halved strawberries, but crumbling a biscuit can work too!

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