I hope everyone enjoyed Australia’s Science Week! Hello to all the new subscribers and I hope you enjoy earlier episodes as well – all available at Token Skeptic and on iTunes!
This episode features Deb Hodgkin of Science-at-home.org!
Deb studied Human Biology and Archaeology in her Bachelor of Science, then did Honours in Anatomy. With her Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, she taught in remote communities and towns for nine years before she had children – which led to the creation of her website, Science At Home! Deb has taught all sorts of things in addition to Secondary Science and Maths and with her Masters in Education, she applies her experiences and insights when promoting science activities for parents.
As she says on her site, ‘Science@Home‘:
Children are natural scientists. Take advantage of their questioning with fun activities to share and develop their love of science and critical thinking.
This show is available on Zune, mp3 via Libsyn or iTunes. Visit www.tokenskeptic.org – I’d love to hear your feedback at tokenskeptic@gmail.com. Theme songs are ‘P&P’ by Derek K Miller of www.penmachine.com and ‘365’ by Milton Mermikides, at www.miltonmermikides.com.