The last interview on the Token Skeptic podcast featured Dr Ben Goldacre, talking about AllTrials – here’s some news! From The Guardian:
GlaxoSmithKline to publish clinical trial data – GSK becomes first major pharmaceutical company to commit to publishing the results of all its drug trials.
GlaxoSmithKline, Britain’s biggest pharmaceutical company, has become the world’s first drug major to commit to publishing clinical trial data in a move that campaigners hope will increase the likelihood of medical breakthroughs and protect patients from ill-advised prescriptions.
…The company’s commitment to data transparency follows a high-profile campaign led by Ben Goldacre, a doctor and Guardian columnist, who helped expose drug companies’ manipulation of clinical trial data.
Don’t forget that Sense About Science is fundraising to help the cause further: Sense About Science have agreed to take this on as a campaign, after their excellent work on libel reform. Everything donated will go to support the AllTrials campaign. We will run a public campaign, build an informative website, lobby politicians and stakeholders, brief journalists and make it news.